Current time in Latvia

Latvia — exact time with seconds online. Latvia — transition to winter and summer time.
Flag of Latvia

Latvia — time is now

The time zone of the capital city Riga is used.

15 February 2025, Saturday
Latvia on the map
Latvia on the globe
Latvia on the globe
February Sa 15
05 35
10 40
3 9 15 45
20 50
25 55
6 12 30 60


Land region (Part of the world) Europe
ISO 3166 LV
Flag Flag of Latvia
Capital Riga
Area 64 589 (km²)
Population ~2 217 969
Currency LVL
Country phone code +371
Direction of traffic Right side

Latvia — switching to winter and summer time

Time zone UTC+02:00
Changeover to summer time UTC+03:00 30.03.2025 03:00:00
Changeover to winter time UTC+02:00 26.10.2025 04:00:00

Latvia — big cities

Latvia — neighboring countries