Current time in Brestskaya Oblast'

Brestskaya Oblast' — exact time with seconds online. Brestskaya Oblast' — transition to winter and summer time.

Belarus, Brestskaya Oblast' — time is now

15 February 2025, Saturday
Brestskaya Oblast' on the map
Brestskaya Oblast\' on the globe
Brestskaya Oblast' on the globe
February Sa 15
05 35
10 40
3 9 15 45
20 50
25 55
6 12 30 60


Country Belarus
Currency BYN — Belarussian Ruble
Country phone code +375

Brestskaya Oblast' — switching to winter and summer time

Time zone UTC+03:00
Changeover to summer time Not
Changeover to winter time Not

Brestskaya Oblast' — cities